class 10th science mcq question

यहाँ क्लास 10वीं साइंस का टेस्ट सीरीज दिया गया है।

class 10th science mcq question

class 10th science mcq question

class 10th science mcq question



 Phenomenon – Time (3 min)


Amount of energy transformation takes place at each trophic level in a food chain is

(A) 1%

(B) 10% 

(C) 0.1%

(D) All of energy

Answer – B

Solution a As per 10% law, after every tropic level 10% energy is transferred.


Natural Resources – 3 min


If a light ray is coming from air to a medium changes velocity to 1.24 x 108 m/s then refractive index of medium is


(A) 1.55

(B) 2.42 : Answer

(C) 2.1

(D) 1.4


Solution à


n21 = V1 (air)/ V2 (medium)


n21 = 3 x 108 / 1.24 x 108


n21 = 2.42


Effects of current – 3 min


The length of a wire is halved , but its cross-section remains the same, then resistance becomes


(A) 4 times

(B) 2 times

(C) 1/2 times ( Answer )

(D) 8 times


Solution a Resistance of a wire is directly proportional to the length and inversely proportional to the area of cross-section.


class 10th science mcq question

Natural Phenomenon – 2min

Ques – 4 In given figure light undergoes refraction from A,B and C mediums. Speed of light in medium A is ‘V’ , then find speed of light in medium B also find angle of emergence. 




  1. √2 v , 45°
  2. √3 v , 30°
  3. 3v√3 , 60°
  4. √3v , 60°



Answer: D


Solution – 




Difficulty Level:  Hard

Time to solve: 06 min

Topic: natural phenomenon 


Natural Resources – 5min


Match the columns

(1) (A) – (s), (B) – (p), (C) – (q), (D) – (r)

(2) (A) – (p), (B) – (s), (C) – (q), (D) – (r)

(3) (A) – (s), (B) – (p), (C) – (r), (D) – (q)

(4) (A) – (s), (B) – (q), (C) – (p), (D) – (r)

Solution – (1)

Natural Phenomenon – 5 min



A 4 times big image is formed on screen. Object and screen are at a distance of 120cm , find type of lens used and the focal length of the lens.

  1. Convex lens , f = 18.4cm
  2. Convex lens , f = 19.2cm
  3. Concave lens, f = 18.4cm
  4. Concave lens, f = 19.2cm

Correct Answer: D


                  m= 4 times {formed by convex lens(Real and Inverted)}

                  m = – 4 

As object and image 120cm apart, 

I,e.      -u + v = 120cm

                v = 120 + u 


 As,    m = v/u

           -u = v/u 

          – u = 120 + u 


         – 4u = 120 + u

         – 5u = 120

             u = 120/5 = -24cm


      Put in V   

           v = 120 – 24 

           v =  96cm 


Formula for calculation of f – used above 

1/f = 1/v – 1/u 

1/f = 1/96 – 1/ -24 = 1/96 + 1/24

1/f = 1 + 4  = 5

           96       96

f = 19.2cm ….


Difficulty Level:  very Hard

Time to solve: 10 min

Topic: natural phenomenon 

Effects of Current – 8 mins

 Ques – 7 – Calculate the equivalent resistance between A and B – 

  1. 7 ohms
  2. 1 ohms
  3. 4 ohms
  4. 4 ohms


Correct answer: A

Solutions – connecting, R3 , R4 and R5 in parallel combination –

  1  =  + +3

Rx      4      4    4       4


Rx = 4


Solving, R6 , R7  in series, Ry = 6 + 6 = 12Ω

Solving, R1 , R2  in series, Rz = 2 + 2 = 04Ω


Solving Ry, Rz,Rq in parallel, 

1  = 1 + 1 + 1  =  1+2+2 =   5

Ra   12   6    6          12       12  


Ra = 12


solving , Ra, Rx, Rz in series 


Rc = 12 + 4 + 4 = 36 + 20 + 60 = 116 =    7.7Ω Ans.

         5     3     1           15               15   

Difficulty Level:  very Hard

Time to solve: 10 mins

Topic: Effects of current. 



Which of the following are exothermic processes?(i) Combustion

(ii) Nuclear Fission of Uranium-235

(iii) Evaporation of water
(iv) Respiration


(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) (ii) and (iv): Answer
(d) (ii) and (iv)



Combustion reaction – An example of a combustion reaction would be the combustion of methane which can be represented as follows: CH4 + O2 → CO2 + H2O + Heat

  • The total binding energy releasedin fission of an atomic nucleus varies with the precise break up, but averages about 200 MeV* for U-235 

Respiration is the process by which humans take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. The chemical equation of this process can be represented as follows:

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy



Find the odd man out of the given acids based on there ionization.


  1. HCL
  2. HBR
  3. HF: Answer
  4. HI



Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)

Hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid with the chemical formula HF. This compound is considered to be a weak acid because it does not completely dissociate into hydrogen and fluoride ions when dissolved in water.

Whereas , rest all are strong acids & completely ionised in water and thus produces a large amount of hydrogen ions

HCl (aq)              H+ (aq) + Cl (aq)

The single arrow pointing towards right in the above equation indicates that hydrochloric acid is completely ionised to form ions.

class 10th science mcq question


Which of the following metals reacts with water


  1. Potassium
  2. Sodium
  3. Magnesium
  4. Calcium


  1. (i) & (ii)
  2. (ii) & (iii)
  3. (iii) only
  4. (i) (ii) & (iv): Answer



All except Magnesium

  • Sodium and potassium react with waterto produce hydrogen gas and the hydroxides of the metals.
  • They get softer and more reactive as you move down the period from sodiumto potassium
  • Magnesium doesnot react with water to any significant extent. This is in contrast with calcium, immediately below magnesium in the periodic table, which does react slowly with cold 


Find the correct order of Aerobic Respiration.

  1. GlucoseàGlycolysis àPyruvate à Kreb’s Cycle àATP : Answer
  2. Glucoseà Pyruvate à Glycolysis à Kreb’s Cycle àATP
  3. Glycolysis à Glucose à Kreb’s Cycle à Pyruvate àATP
  4. Glycolysis à Glucose à Pyruvate à Kreb’s Cycle àATP

class 10th science mcq question


The respiration which uses oxygen is called as aerobic respiration.

The process is as follows



An element has electronic configuration 2,8, 1 reacts with an element X from group 17.

Explain what will be the chemical formula for the compound that would be formed

  1. KX
  2. NaX2
  3. KX2
  4. NaX: Correct answer



As per given electronic configuration ie. 2,8,1 à Element is Sodium (Na)

Valency of sodium = 1

The group 17 is the Halogen group having valency = 1


     Na                   X


  • 1


The compound will be NaX



The functions of Testes in human beings is/are-

  1. To produce hormones like estrogen and progesterone.
  2. To produce  hormones like testosterone.
  3. To produce the male gamete – sperm.
  4. To produce the female gamete – ovum.



  1. I & II
  2. III Only
  3. II & IV
  4. II & III: Answer


Testes are the male gonads in human beings. Their functions are
• To produce male hormones like testosterone & the male gamete sperm.

Ovaries are the female gonads in human beings. Their functions are
• To produce female hormones like estrogen and progesterone & the female gamete – ovum.



If the genotype (gene combination) is IA IA, then the blood group of the person is A.
if the genotype is IA IO then the blood group is _____


  1. Blood group A: Answer
  2. Blood group O
  3. Blood group B
  4. Blood group AB



  • Genes IA and IB both are dominant over the gene IO .
  • The blood gene IO is recessive in relation to genes IA and IB.
  • If the genotype (gene combination) is IA IA, then the blood group of the person is A.
  • if the genotype is IA IO even then the blood group is A (because IO is a recessive gene).


Which of the following is not a type of Artificial vegetative propagation?


  1. Cuttings
  2. Tissue culture
  3. Tubers: Anwer
  4. Grafting



Tubers are swollen portions of an underground stem that store food so a plant can lie dormant over the winter, for example, potatoes.

It’s a type of Natural vegetative propagation


Artificial vegetative propagation is a type of plant reproduction that involves human intervention.

The most common types of artificial vegetative reproductive techniques include cutting, layering, grafting, suckering, and tissue culturing



class 10th science mcq question part -2 will be updated soon. Stay tuned

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